Sunday, November 27, 2005

Post Prandial Playback

Due to missing the usual key apparatus for turkey prep, we punted and went with open roasting of the bird with a pesto rub. If I must say so myself, it was fantabulous. The rest of the meal was scrumptious as well and just enough food not the usual over abundance that none of us needs. Also the 2 pies that the B-I-L slaved over ( stood in the ugly pre-thanksgiving purchasing free-for-all at Costco) were equally yummy.

Younger Sis (YS) did indeed bring an entire dessert. There must have been a meteor shower causing the world to rotate backwards on it’s axis. Later, I realized that is was some sort of peace offering for the delayed return of a teaching skull. An entire post could be devoted to the skull debacle, but I truly don’t want to relive it. Bottom line, YS will never change and me and BS need to get over it. Our parents will always take her side on such matters and play the “we are going to die with one eye open” card. So be it. If there wasn’t at least one family squabble, then it wouldn’t have been a true family gathering.

Best pre-meal moment happened during my task of making sure all the side dishes were warmed to perfection while BS was operating on the bird. I made the fatal error of placing the gravy ( the only item not made from scratch - shameful I know) into the fancy schmancy gravy boat. My dilemma was could I put it into the oven after warming it in the microwave? Because I am now bespectacled and can no longer read the fine print on the bottom of said boat and BS’s eyes are even worse that mine, Little Mermaid to the rescue. We held up the gravy boat over her head so she could read what was underneath for us. Of course, the writing was upside down for the first try and then the boat was moving around too much from my hysterical laughter for Mermaid to be able to read it. Crisis averted, it was microwave safe only.

All in all it was a great Thanksgiving. With my family around me and all in relatively good health, we all had many blessings to count.

To all of you who are wacky enough to brave the whole “Black Friday” shopping bullshit. Well all I can say is God love you because someone should. Bring on the Holiday season stressors.


Anonymous said...

Pesto rub Turkey? Different.

C'mon Wicked, tell me you didn't snicker when watching the footage of the Walmart shopper who was nearly trampled to death trying to put her wig back on post fall....

Wicked H said...

The Walmart stampede is my exact point about the wackos. Poor lady, at least her wig was back in place as the ambulance took her away. Pesto rub turkey was really very good. You should try it.

Anonymous said...

Wicked, we survived another Turkey Day at my house and yes it was very nice. You're right I should just let YS issues go, BUT I CAN'T. 'Nuff said. I expect to revisit the teaching skull debacle in another blog. As for our dwindling visual acuity; next year I will bring my loops home so as to aid us in any small print issues without being laughed at by Little Mermaid. Tee Hee :) I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. Looking forward to Chiristmas and the Holiday Stressors....

Anonymous said...

Ah, the holidays. Just enough time to be grateful the family lives so far away. It's such a relief to be back at work! I need to update my blog with Turkey Day details, but for now I'm just glad to be busy with something real!
