Friday, July 08, 2005

10 Years Ago Today.....

I was racing to get to Maryland from NC in a monsoon. The stereo in my car was struck by lightening during the drive and I made the trip in silence. This allowed me much time, 6 plus hours, to worry and pray that all was ok with my elder sister who after countless hours of labor was rushed into a C-section because both her life and the baby's life were in danger.

We can't do anything simple and with ease in my family. Thankfully it all turned out well. I know I am biased, but I have been told by many of my friends who have met Little Mermaid that for being an only child and the sole grandchild on my side of the family; she is very grounded and not spoiled. I am very proud of that and thousands of other characteristics she possesses.

Happy 10th Birthday Little Mermaid!!! Hurry back so we can have a big party here too.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Little Mermaid!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Aunt H(:We'll have to celebrate soon, before school starts. Love, Little Mermaid