I have to say that each year around this time I get a wee bit sad. Want to know why? Very soon, school will be back in session. Am I sad because I will miss my little ones’ company? I don’t have any offspring so that is not the source of my melancholy.
My distress stems from the opening of school and the onslaught of crazed morning traffic. No offense to any parent who is in a perpetual rush during school day mornings, but the traffic during school time is off the hook. Admit it moms and dads, summer time morning rush hour is quite different than when school is open. Of course the school bus schedules are a major factor as well.
Kids, I hope you had a great summer. Please be careful before you dart out into the street trying to catch the bus. Try not to send your parental units over the edge so early in the morning. Seriously, who wants to start any day with drama? Be easy on your folks. Oh and for the love of all that is holy, please, PLEASE bring home all the necessary books, assignments and materials for each night’s homework load. (Lil Wicked, I am kind of talking to you here)
I, in turn, will practice my deep breathing exercises while driving. If I have to raise my voice due to being cut off by a driver in a rush, I promise that my windows will be closed so as not to harm those delicate ears of anyone within the sound of my rant. If I must gesture, I will do so in the direction of my floor board. Any flipping will be done in the direction of gravity. I swear.
Hope all the scholars have a great school year and may the rest of us practice patience and grace.
Ready. Set. Learn!