Tuesday, May 01, 2007

May Day

Dance around a maypole, send a basket of flowers to your favorite friend. Or consider that the Celts chose this day to celebrate the Beltane, the “Return of the Sun.”

These are useless factoids that clutter my brain. You’re welcome!


wallofdenial said...

I have no comment , about you brain Wicked

t2ed said...

I liked the Parade of Military Hardware that the Russkies used to do when they kicked it old school.

Wicked H said...

Dave: My brain was clouded with sad things today , so I needed to clear it up a bit.....

t2ed: Now it's been replaced with the illegals demonstrating for rights. I have an issue with this topic as my parents came over and had to follow any rule that was placed in front of them. It was part of the privilege of living here. I guess the times they are a changing.

t2ed said...

I like when the demonstrations are accompanied by waving flags of other countries. Umm, if it's so great, why are you here?

We know our country rocks. We invented drive through liquor stores, 3 day weekends to start and end summer and are the world leaders in food on a stick technology. Suck it, rest of world.