Spring is here. I have filled the 2 bird feeders on the deck and you are more than welcome to graze on them until your feeder arrives. Yes, you read that correctly. I have bought you and your furry friends you own feeders.
Nothing makes me happier than sitting on my deck watching the birds and you and your compatriots frolicking and feeding. I draw the line at your destroying the flower boxes and eating my tomatoes and herbs. I beseech you to keep away from the foliage and vegetables.
You have one week to get your act together. Otherwise, I will be dousing the flower boxes and herb and veggie garden with capsaicin powder. With my luck, you’ll use the tomatoes and herbs and make one spicy batch of salsa.
If I have to build chicken coops around everything, I will. Don’t make me count to three!
Hugs and Kisses