Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

I saw this sign posted at a place of employment attached to the time clock:

“No Smoking Within the Time Clock!”

Hmmm. Unless this group has an ability to shrink themselves and gain access to the innards of said time clock, I really don’t see it as an issue.


Any thoughts?


kris said...

Thank God somebody else gets it.

Unique Designs from Zazzle said...

perhaps oompa loompas work there

HotForSimon said...

I could name a few people I work with that I wish WOULD shrink themselves and gain access to the innards of the time clock...and stuck in the moving parts of the said timeclock...and get really bad ouchies.

Yeah. That would work.


Weary Hag said...

Oh that is rich!
I don't have a problem being told not to smoke during working hours, but can we also include "no perfume wearing, no body odor, no excessive coffee so that you're bouncing off the damn walls, and no playing willy-work-ethic and coming in with a serious headcold so you can infect the whole office?"
That would be seem more fair somehow.

What cracks me up about this sign? The fact that no one else thought to point it out to the people who created it!