Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Pasta and Puccini

I found a great way to keep the youngsters away from my office, thus enabling me to be more productive. Play my classical tunes loudly. They claim their ears will bleed if they listen too long.

I will definitely keep this tool handy. Now if you will excuse me, Beethoven is calling my name.


Blueyes said...

If that's all it takes then I need to play more Bach and Mozart :)

Chandira said...

LOL.. I do that same thing with Rob Zombie. Keeps Robert away when I know he wants something I don't want to do.. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Which is more effective - Puccini or Beethoven?

Wicked H said...

Puccini since they don't recognize any of his music.

Wicked H said...

Try it Blueyes, it was quite effective.

Chandira: You'd probably keep me away with that music as well - good call. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised! I would have thought that Puccini, being closer to something that a Hollywood composer would have written, might have more in it that non music-lovers would be able to relate to. Beethoven is generally so austere!!

Wicked H said...

Well Gareth since this bunch listens to mainly mainstream and hip-hop music, they were able to pick out a few of the more popular Beethoven tunes. Probably made known to them during the time they watched Sesame Street as babies. When they entered my office while Puccini was playing they quickly walked out.

I can't tell you how relaxed I've been the past 2 days. I've missed my classical music.

Best of Tchaikovsky today.


Weary Hag said...

Brilliant idea! And if all else fails? You could tune in to some Asian music. Some of that stuff could make a deaf person beat tracks!

Anonymous said...

You can never get too much Puccini, though I blow hot and cold on Beethoven.....

Anonymous said...

My vote is for Tchaikovsky (I wonder why??)

Anonymous said...

Is it because you're a sugar plum??